Oom Yung Doe

The tiger is symbolic of the physical world and the dragons signify the mental or spiritual world. Together the symbols represent a harmony between both worlds. The Chinese symbol Yin/Yang (Oom/Yung) stands for balance of life.

Oom Yung Doe calligraphy

Eight Complete Martial Arts Taught as One
Always Having the Skill and Ability to Demonstrate
kyung gong sul bope

One of the many personal achievements of Grandmaster "Iron" Kim is the Kyong Gong Sul Bope (flying side kick). Above is Grandmaster jumping from the top of a building. (The roof is visible in the lower right corner.) In 1970, Grandmaster "Iron" Kim demonstrated Kyong Gong Sul Bope by jumping from the equivalent of an 11-story building. In 1972, Grandmaster "Iron" Kim again demonstrated the Kyong Gong Sul Bope movement by jumping from the equivalent of an 8-story building both times landing without injury onto a sloped surface below.

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International Level Training Testimonial

Barbara Chandler

I am a second section in Oom Yung Doe. I have been enrolled in the International Level Degree Training program for approximately four months. The training I have received has been remarkably efficacious. The learning environment is positive, challenging and highly supportive. Every instructor at every level has treated me with utmost respect, has taken a genuine interest in my progress and development and has challenged me to reach beyond what I think my limits are.

The results have been extraordinary. Already I am stronger, more flexible and more supple in my movements. I have worked as a flexibility coach to athletes of all levels for the past 10 years. As a result of my Oom Yung Doe training for the past 4 months, my body now moves in a way that it never could before. The more I practice, the more I see my potential, and the more inspired I am to continue my training. I also believe that everything I am learning inside the classroom will have manifold benefit to me outside the classroom.

The changes I am feeling in my body are the result of the changes I am feeling in my life. I have increased energy, reduced stress, a clearer focus and a healthier perspective. The principles of Moo Doe are powerful lessons that can be applied to my everyday life. I am exceptionally pleased to be a member of the Oom Yung Doe community.

Barbara Chandler
Business Owner
Age 48

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