James Yakita | |
James Yakita | Tom Moch | Sue Graham | Sherry Culp | Todd Facello | Beau Inman | |
Since joining Chung Moo Doe, I have seen many improvements in myself with regards to my health, outlook on my life, and in my physical condition. My health problems stem from psoriatic arthritis. The treatment for this condition is medication management with drugs used in chemotherapy and continued physical therapy. I have also been involved in 2 recent car accidents where I was hit from behind injuring my neck and back. Between the treatments for the disease and additional medications to control the side effects, I was taking 8 prescriptions. | |
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After a year of therapy and 2 chiropractors later, I was still walking with a cane. The doctors couldn't loosen my back muscles enough to manipulate my spine and relieve any of the pressure that I was feeling in my back. They said there was nothing they could do. I just had to live like that. I enrolled in Chung Moo Doe because I read the testimonials of people like me that the school had helped. There was a man who had back problems and arthritis like me that talked about having a life again and working again. I'm currently a third section and I don't walk with a cane any longer, I lost 20 pounds, and I'm down 3 prescriptions. One was blood pressure medicine that doctors told me I would have to take for the rest of my life. Through traditional movement and some specific exercises the Chung Moo Doe instructors taught me, I'm able to enjoy my life again. And since the stiffness and pain are at half the level they were at, I no longer have such short patience with my family. When I was in pain, I just wanted to be left alone, but now I can enjoy my family and they enjoy me. Chung Moo Doe is the third martial arts school that I have attended and by far the best. The other schools had their attributes, but they didn't help my health, mental state, and physical condition like Chung Moo Doe. My family and I thank all the instructors and Grand Master "Iron" Kim for their guidance. I will always be with Chung Moo Doe. I even plan to become an instructor myself so that I can help others like Chung Moo Doe has helped me. Thank You, James A. Yakita |